Cash customers in SkipTrak are customers that pay for your services and do not have an account with you.
Step 1
• Click the customers button from SkipTrak’s main menu.
Step 2
• From the customers summary, where you will see your existing customers. Click the “New” button. This will start a new record.
Step 3
• Complete the Customer Details. From the Account Type option Select Cash.
• You will see that the account number has been populated with the word Cash.
• Complete the Customer. Enter the customer details starting with the Account name.
• Enter the postcode of the new customer and click on the lookup button.
• You will now be able to choose the correct address for your customer and then click the “Select” button.
• You can see that the address has now been populated for you.
• You can now add the customers phone numbers and email address.
• Payment Method is the section where you can select the preferred payment for the customer. Cash customers will mainly pay by either cash or card.
• Once you have populated all of the customer details, you have the option to send the customer details through to your financing system. Then Click on the “Save” button.
• You can now see that your new customer has been successfully added and is highlighted in blue.
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